In this story, we have created a fictional tale of the African slaves escaping from America to Canada through an underground railroad. This story is based on true facts before the Civil War began and slavery ended.
In the beginning of the story, we have a normal African family eating a meal. Suddenly, a drum starts beating a warning that tells Africans “White men are coming! Run!” The African family raced to the forest as the white men chases and captures them.
They are dragged onto a ship and sailed to an auction. The auctioneer sells them and different people buy them. Since the main character is the African father, we act out his new family in America. He is brought to a rich, but mean household with two daughters. He is tortured by having to pick tabbacco in the scorching sun. One of the slaves tells everyone about an underground railroad leading to Canada, where they can live in peace. Unfortunately, the owner’s daughters spied on them and told their parents about it.
Disturbed by the eerie night sounds of the forest, the owners leave in search of their escaping slaves. As they run to find out what the spooky sounds are, one by one the slaves escape. Sadly, an old slave named George loses his balance and falls, causing a loud noise. His owners find and kill him. Fortunately, all the other slaves escape successfully to Canada, never to be slaves again.
Today, Africans are scattered all throughout North America and are no longer slaves. Now, they are treated just like any other person.
We worked very hard to create this story and to act it out. Of course, we all owe this to our wonderful teachers: Sarah, Josh, and Kelsey. And to our terrific parents sending us here to Gateway academy! We hope you liked our show and come again!