


首先要说明一下我原贴的目的,省政府和工会谈判,是双方的行为。如果谈判破裂,很大程度上双方都有责任。这就是我所说的英文媒体是意见分裂,各不想让,与 之成对应的是华人间的舆论都是一面倒向政府方的,这才是有意思的。看到没有人关注教师的主张,我才把他们的意见转过来给大家参考。

既然要熟悉这里的社会,自然要明白这里的游戏规则。双方都会宣传自己的东西,都会夹杂自己的私货,获得更多人的赞同。有趣的是,很多华人对政府的宣传一听 就信,比如:有多少人相信老师要加薪30%的说法?不可都信,不可全不信。在能自由的获取各种信息的同时,要紧的是自己的分辨能力。

回到老农的商榷问题上,关于加薪,我的观点是:考虑到每年约2%的通货膨胀率,作为加薪谈判的条件不算太难,如果双方都让步的话,但事实是,政府方面根本 不愿意让步。不要忘了,偶们的锅头省长刚上任就给他的部下们加薪33%,美其名曰为了找到更好的人才。这时为什么不想到要劝这些首长们生不逢时地?

关于班级人数:这里我对中学的情况不熟悉,不能多加评论。但是,我所见识过的小学老师们,大多是认真负责的,有的即使和中国的模范教师相比也毫不逊色。而 且就我知道的几位老师的例子来说,她们都是非常辛苦,值得同情的,说到学生老师,那就更累,很多都是晚上10点才回家。不同的学区社区,情况不同。我也不 愿意以偏概全,就我所知道的,还没有看到哪一个老师是在混日子,骗取我们纳税人的钱。至于提到毒品问题,那和联邦政府的政策有关,是另一个话题了。

关于私有化:私有化不是解决教育问题的办法。如果你认真地阅读排名报告的话,就知道这不是在突出私立学校。公立学校都有项目显示他们有多少有特殊需要的孩 子,以及多少没能进一步深造的。因为公立学校无权选择学生,而私立学校有。所以这个例子举的并不好。同样对于班级人数,原则上公立学校有一个这样特殊需要 的学生,就需要一个专门的老师,但事实上并非如此,而且有一个这样的学生,对其他学生学习的影响很大。再加上现在ESL的学生增加,他们也需要特殊的照 顾。联系到上面的班级人数,就可以知道老师们的主张有其合理性的一面了。

政府和教师们都在表演,政府的责任也是重大的。锅头省长上台后取消了分学区谈判的制度,变成整个BC省范围,更加增加了谈判的复杂程度,当然,如果他根本 就不想谈的话,是没有区别的。这里要指出的是,因为BC省的选举制度,政党得票率并没有反应到席位上。所以90%以上的席位并没有反应出什么。工会一直拥 有一定的支持率。


Students are pawns as big 'kids' squabble

Well, now they've gone and done it.

They're like a couple of kids squabbling over a glass of juice, and now the juice is spilled all over the floor, the glass is broken, and both are refusing to clean up the mess. B. C.'s hard-headed teachers and the province's thick-skulled government are in a shoving match that has gotten out of control this week.

What is most galling is that both claim that they're doing it all for the cildren.

Yeah, whatever.

If teachers were only thinking of the children in their classrooms, they would have softened their bargaining position at least a little bit over the past year that their contract was expired.

Instead, teachers steadfastly -- stubbornly -- maintained an all-or-nothing attitude that brought them to the current situation and set themselves up as lousy role models for their students.

If the government were only thinking of the children, it would have recognized the importance of education the last time it imposed a contract on the teachers, and it wouldn't have hacked and slashed away at teachers' ability to teach.

Instead, the government pushed and pushed and pushed -- almost as though its sole intent was to find the teachers' breaking point.

With the inevitable strike now successfully pushed forward by weeks, we're hearing threats of jail time for teachers and talk of supermeditator Vince Ready entering the picture.

Meanwhile, both sides claim the other is using the children as pawns. Astoundingly, it may be the one thing about which both sides are correct.

